BD 201 – Cermi Kuliah Umum Research Trend in Artificial Intelligence

Pada Hari Senen, 13 November 2023 Ada Kuliah Umum yang jadi pembicaranya adalah Prof Lie dari Taiwan University. Saya mengikuti melalui Zoom dan melihat hasil rekamannya di Youtube Magic Channel.

Ada beberapa points yang bisa saya ambil dari Kuliah Umum Ini:

  • the power of the machine learning. Machine learning involves some quick-thinking technology called deep learning
  • deep learning is so powerful because they can make the deep learning quick-thinking
  • from this year. The machine is not like the answer the question prepared by the artist. They create the question
  • IT not Just Technical Part, Actually IT already change the world
  • The Biggest Change of IT is Artificial Intelligence
  • artificial intelligence (AI)? Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. Specific applications of AI include expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition and machine vision.


Demikian Cermi ini saya buat.. Terima kasih Prof UR untuk Kuliah Umumnya. Ini sangat membantu saya sedikit mengetahui tentang dunia AI. Saya juga beruntung bisa bertemu langsung dengan Prof Lie saat datang ke Hotel Episode


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