Hallo GUYS..
Welcome The Cermi Akuu
Pada Hari Kamis, 13 Oktober 2022 Saya dengan 100 lebih peserta lainnya mengikuti kegiatan REY Summit #6 dengan guest star Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Achmad Benny Mutiara, Q.N.Ssi,S.Kom, beliau merupakan dosen tetap Universitas Guna Dharma serta menjabat sebagai Sekjen Aptikom. Adapun materi yang beliau sampaikan, yaitu mengenai Artificial Intelligence for Startup Digital in Society 5.0.
Komponen AI Building blocks of an AI system Building Blocks->Input->Processing & Storage (Edge)->Processing & Storage (Cloud)->Output/Interaction Unit
The Three Levels of AI Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)
AI Stage Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) *Execute Specific tasks well *E.g Driving, Medical
Projected Timelines Currently
Implicatations *Machines become better in specific tasks – playing games, driving, flying, listening, translating languages
AI Stage Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) *Machines achieve human level intelligence
Projected Timelines 25 – 75 years
Implications *Machines start learning and creating knowledge
*Machines would be able to do creative things – create better movies, write books
AI Stage Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) *Machine is more intelligent than human across in practically every field
Projected Timelines Shortly after AGI
Implications *Machines become better than humans at most of the jobs
Okee GUYS Sekian sampai disini dulu yaa..
See you the next cermi THANKS YOU GUYSS..
Kelass bedaww cerminyaa👍👍
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mantap hikmal
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tamparan ke young lex masuk pak eko,ini cermi kelaz ya kelaz
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Kelazz bedaww
Lengkap nih cerminya, semoga berguna buat pembuat cermi dan pembacanya yaa
Mantap bangggg
Kelasss sir
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